Monday, March 2, 2009

Math Contest

In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Kind,
* * *

From a local homeschooling mailing list:

"You STILL have time to register your kids so they can participate in
the World Math Day. This is a totally FREE online event for all kids
around the globe!

The event takes place for the whole time it is March 4th anywhere on
the globe, so in reality it starts when it's still March 3 in the US.

In the World Math Day, children from across the globe unite in their
quest to set a world record in answering mental arithmetic questions.
This event involves more than a million students from 160 countries.

Why should your or my children participate? Well, they might love
being part of setting a world record! And it's just simple math questions!

Also good to know:

* The event is designed for all ages and ability levels.
* There are prizes.
* And it's FREE!

I registered my oldest daughter. She's enjoyed competing against other
kids around the globe. Each competition takes 1 minute and the program
finds 2-3 other kids to compete against. She also likes that you can
choose the hair color, style, and hat or other head piece for your
virtual character.
Please read more about the registration, the levels, and so on. Or go
directly to WorldMathDay. com to register. "

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